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Land Consolidation or Cadastral Surveying

Land consolidation works refer to all activities related to cadastral units, including the division, merging, establishment, restoration of boundary marks, boundary alterations, privatization, and other similar tasks.


Cadastral surveying

Cadastral surveying is carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations: "Procedure for Conducting Cadastral Surveying and Verifying Cadastral Surveying." We ensure a swift and quality service across Estonia with a professional team.

As a result of cadastral surveying, a cadastral unit plan and its dossier are prepared. When considering ordering land management works, the first step should be contacting the local government to inquire whether the desired cadastral procedure is acceptable to them. After receiving a positive response, you should approach a land surveying bureau. Our experienced specialists help find the best solutions for feasible work, and they manage the necessary communication and paperwork among the local government, the Land Board, and neighboring territories.

Since cadastral procedures require obtaining local government approval and registering the work with the Land Board, new cadastral procedures may take a few months to be processed. With our assistance, land management works proceed smoothly and swiftly.


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